Scanning bi-tonal images The descriptions below are for scanning bi-tonal images only.

Binarization these settings effect the bi-tonal image. Available settings are:

iThresholding: selecting iThresholding allows the scanner to dynamically evaluate each document to determine the optimal threshold value to produce the highest quality image. This allows scanning of mixed document sets with varying quality (i.e., faint text, shaded backgrounds, color backgrounds) to be scanned using a single setting thus reducing the need for document sorting.

Adaptive Thresholding (ATP): the Adaptive Threshold Processor separates the foreground information in an image (i.e., text, graphics, lines, etc.) from the background information (i.e., white or non-white paper background).

Adaptive Thresholding works on gray scale scanned images and outputs a bi-tonal electronic image. Its strength lies in the ability to separate the foreground information from the background information even when the background color or shading varies, and the foreground information varies in color quality and darkness. Different types of documents may be scanned using the same image processing parameters and results in excellent scanned images. If mixing documents of different colors, paper qualities and textures and print quality, the Adaptive Thresholding features optimize each image automatically.

A-61510 January 2005


Page 47
Image 47
Kodak i800 Series manual January