Buttons on the Scanner Settings dialog box
Following are descriptions of the buttons located at the bottom of the dialog box.
Scanner Control displays the Scanner Control dialog box. This dialog box allows you to set
Imprinter displays the Imprinter dialog box, which allows you to enable the Document Printer 1 and set the desired values. See the section entitled, “Enabling and setting Document Printer options” later in this chapter.
Patch/Batch when selected, will display the Batch and Patch Code Definition dialog box. This dialog box allows you to define logic associated with automating your scanner’s workflow. The settings in this dialog box do not affect the quality of the image. See the section entitled, “Defining Batch Detection and Patch Code values” later in this chapter.
Image Address displays the Image Address dialog box. This dialog box contains controls to format the image addressing functions of the scanner. See the section entitled, “Image Addressing” later in this chapter.
Color Dropout displays the Color Dropout dialog box. You can choose the color you want to eliminate (Green Blue, Red) and set other values using this dialog box. See the section entitled, “Setting Color Dropout values” later in this chapter.
Copy see the explanation in the section entitled “Scanner Settings dialog box” earlier in this chapter.
OK saves the values set on the dialog box.
Cancel closes the dialog box without saving any changes.