For More Information...
Item | Description |
Installation Guide | Describes the printer setup procedure. |
(paper manual) |
Quick Reference Guide | Describes common information about the printer such as load- |
(paper manual) | ing paper, understanding messages, etc. |
The following documents are stored in the
Operation Guide (this manual) | Guides you through topics concerning the operations and main- |
| tenance of the printer. |
KX Printer Drivers Operation Guide | Describes how to install and set the printer driver. |
PRESCRIBE Commands Technical | PRESCRIBE is the native language of the Kyocera Mita print- |
Reference | ers. This Technical Reference contains the information about |
| how the printing is performed using the PRESCRIBE com- |
| mands as well as the font and emulation description. Also |
| included is a list of permanent parameters and their explanation |
| needed when customizing your printer. |
PRESCRIBE Commands Command | Gives a detailed explanation of the PRESCRIBE command |
Reference | syntax and parameters. |