9.*.6.4 Show image
Showing image[On] or Not Showing image [Off].
9.*.6.5 Cache
Supporting the “Cache” function [On] or Not Supporting the “Cache” [Off].
9.*.6.6 Cookie
Supporting the “Cookie” function [On] or Not Supporting the “Cookie” [Off].
9.*.6.7 Clear cache
Clear all caches.
9.*.6.8 Clear cookie
Clear all cookies.
9.*.6.9 Clear temporary files
Clear all temporary files.
9. # Reset settings
It resets the handset memory and Default settings brings all the phone settings to its default values.
In Clear memory “Handset Contents” will reset Java, Bookmarks, Saved internet pages, Recent internet pages, Videos and Audios. “Handset personal info” will reset Contacts, Messages, Diary, Alarms, Calls. No SIM memory option. “External memory” will reset the external memory.