My Media
•Select [Edit object] to use the Defect & Clipping functions.
•Select [Effect] to apply the desired effect to the image.
•Select [Mirror] to reverse as a mirror image (right><left).
•Select [Undo/Redo] to undo or redo the last operation on the image.
-Send via: You can send a file via E-mail, MMS and Bluetooth.
-Full: You can view in full screen mode.
-Zoom: You can select zoom level, 2X, 4X, or 8X.
-Set as wallpaper: You can set a selected file as as wallpaper, i.e. background image on the main or front display.
-Slide Show: You can run the slide show.
-Go to list.
-File info: You can view the file Information.
[ ] Copyright protected media contents. (DRM(Digital Rights Management)) You can't render this picture.
[ ] Expired copyright protected picture. You render use this picture. You can updates some media contents at File manager > Options > 2. Files
>2. Activate
2.3 Sounds
The folder Sounds consists of
2.3.1 t-music
You can download contents from
Please note that additional cost may occur when using online services.
2.3.2 My sounds
You can here manage, send or set as ringtones downloaded sounds.
The detailed functions are as follow:
1. Play the sound.
2. Create a new folder.