not you have diabetes. Only your doctor can diagnose this disease.
What to Expect from your System
◆Blood glucose meters are clinically accurate, but not a substitute for a laboratory result. Originating from labo- ratory methods, glucose meter systems provide a convenient, portable way to test inexpensively and quickly. However, meter results can be affected by factors and conditions that do not affect labo- ratory results in the same way. Keep in mind that testing conditions for labora- tories are tightly controlled and highly automated. Your meter glucose result should agree with a laboratory result to within ±20% under normal conditions. A result within that range is considered clinically accurate when testing with the OneTouch® SureStep® Meter. However,
results can differ by more than ±20% in some situations. See Comparing Meter
and Laboratory Results for more infor-
◆Blood glucose meters increase your ability to frequently check your blood sugar at reasonable cost so you can see the effect different foods, exercise, and medications can make on your glucose level. You can keep your blood glucose in better control with these devices.
◆Make sure that you are familiar with the limitations of the system before testing. See important information in your OneTouch® SureStep® Test Strip Package Insert. Know the factors that can affect the accuracy of your results.
◆Make sure that you understand your results before acting on them, especially if your results do not reflect how you