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| TABLE F.6 |
| |
| ||
| |
| |
| 300 |
| 2.4 |
| 250 |
| 2.0 |
| 200 |
| 1.6 |
| 150 |
| 1.2 |
| 100 |
| 0.8 |
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8.Check the feedback voltage from the current transducer using a resistive load bank and with the POWER WAVE 355M/405M in mode
200.Mode 200 is a constant current test mode. This mode can be accessed using a wire feeder placed in mode 200 or a laptop computer and the appropriate software. Apply the grid load across the output of the POWER WAVE 355M/405M. Set machine output to
300amps and enable WELD TERMINALS. Adjust the grid load to obtain 300 amps on the external ammeter and check feedback volt- ages per Table F.6.
A.Pin 1 (lead 801) to Pin 6 (lead 806) should read 2.4 VDC (machine loaded to 300 amps).
9.If for any reason the machine cannot be loaded to 300 amps, Table F.6. shows what feedback voltage is produced at various cur- rent loads.
10.If the correct supply voltages are applied to the current transducer, and with the machine loaded, the feedback voltage is missing or not correct the current transducer may be faulty.
Before replacing the current transducer, check the leads and plugs between the control board (J8) and the current transducer (J90). See The Wiring Diagram. For access to plug J90 and the current transducer refer to: Current
Transducer Removal and Replacement Procedure.
11.Remove input power to the POWER WAVE 355M/405M.
12.Replace the control box top and any cable ties previously removed.
13.Install the case wraparound cover using the 5/16” nut driver.
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