(See Figure B.4)
Sometimes it is advantageous to set specific arc start, crater and arc ending parameters for the ideal weld. Many times when welding aluminum crater control is necessary to make a good weld. This is done by set- ting Start, Crater and Burnback functions to desired values.
Following is the total weld sequence that the Power Feed™ 10M Single Wire Feeder will execute. If any parameter is inactive or its time is set to zero, the weld procedure immediately shifts to the next parameter in the sequence.
1.PREFLOW: Shielding gas begins to flow immedi- ately when the gun trigger is pulled.
2.STRIKE: After preflow time expires, the power source regulates to the start output and wire is advanced towards the work piece at the Strike WFS. If an arc is not established within 1.5 sec- onds, the power source output and wire feed speed skips to the weld settings.
3.UPSLOPE: Once the wire touches the work and an arc is established, both the machine output and the wire feed speed ramp to the weld settings through- out the start time. The time period of ramping from the start settings to the weld settings is called UPS- LOPE.
4.WELD: After upslope, the power source output and the wire feed speed continue at the weld settings.
5.CRATER: As soon as the trigger is released, the wire feed speed and power source output ramp to the crater settings throughout the crater time. The time period of ramping from the weld settings to the crater settings is called DOWNSLOPE.
6.BURNBACK: After the crater time expires, the wire feed speed is turned OFF and the machine output continues for the burnback time.
7.POSTFLOW: Next, the machine output is turned OFF and shielding gas continues until the post flow timer expires.
| Trigger Pulled |
| Arc Established |
Idle |
| Preflow | Strike | Upslope | Weld |
Shield ing On Gas
Off |
Trigger Released
Downslope Burnback |
| Postflow |
| Idle | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
St art t ime
Crater ti me
Power |
| 1.5 sec max . | |
| ||||
So urce | Start |
| |||
Out pu t | Crater |
B urnback Time
Off |
Weld |
WFS Crater