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8.Check for the presence of +5 VDC on the control board.
a.LED2 should be lit when +5 VDC is pre- sent. See Figure F.14. See Control Board LED Definitions and Figure F.12, Low
Voltage Circuit Diagram.
9.Check for the presence of +15 VDC being applied to the display board from the control board. You may have to remove the display board to check it.
a.+15 VDC should be present at leads #216(+) to
Figure F.12, Low Voltage Circuit Diagram.
10.If any of the DC supply voltages are incorrect or missing, make certain the correct AC sup- ply voltages are being applied to the P.C. boards. See Figure F.12, Low Voltage Circuit Diagram and (T2) Auxiliary
Transformer Test.
11.When the test is complete, remove input power and replace the case wraparound cover.