| |||||
| ||||
| Observe Safety Guidelines |
| detailed in the beginning of this manual. |
| |
| |||
| The air begins to flow when the | 1. | Make sure the air pressure is | 1. Perform the Torch Continuity | ||
| torch trigger is pulled. There is a |
| set at 70 psi (448 kPa.) and the |
| and Solenoid Test. | |
| very brief pilot arc. (Normal is 3 |
| flow rate is at 6 CFM. | 2. The output board may be faulty. | ||
| seconds.) The sequence is repeat- |
| |||
| 2. | Make sure the torch consum- |
| Replace. | ||
| ed with subsequent trigger pulls. |
| ||||
| ables are in place and in good |
| |
| 3. | The control board may be | ||
| condition. | |||
| faulty. Replace. | ||
| ||
| 3. | Make sure the air flow is not |
| restricted. |
| 4. | Make sure the air hose and |
| screen are not clogged. |
| ||
| The cutting arc starts but sputters | 1. | Make sure the operating proce- | 1. Perform the Torch Continuity | ||
| badly. |
| dure is correct for the process. |
| and Solenoid Test. | |
| See the Operation section of | 2. The output board may be faulty. | ||
| this manual. | |||
| Replace. | ||
| ||
| 2. | Make sure the work clamp is | 3. | The control board may be | |
| connected tightly to the work- | |||
| faulty. Replace. | ||
| piece. |
| ||
| |
| 3. | Make sure the torch consum- |
| ables are in place and in good |
| condition. |
| 4. | Make sure the air supply is not |
| contaminated with oil or exces- |
| sive water. |
| 5. | Make sure the air pressure is |
| set at 70 psi (448 kPa.) and the |
| flow rate is at 6 CFM. |
| 6. | Make sure the air hose and |
| screen are not clogged. |
| |
| Nuisance safety trips | 1. | See Safety Status Indicator in | 1. | The torch may be faulty. Check | |
| the operation section. |
| or replace. | |
| 2. | Make sure the correct nozzles | 2. The control board may be | ||
| are being used for the material |
| faulty. See Torch Continuity | |
| thickness. See Operation |
| and Solenoid Test. | |
| Section. |
| 3. | Make sure the output control is |
| set correctly for the process. |
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the test/repairs safely, con- tact the Lincoln Electric Service Department for electrical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. Call