Chapter 1: Introduction 9
This chapter has introduced you to this guide and summarized the other chapters in it.
It has also provided brief descriptions of both service level agreements and planning and
deployment. Now that you understand the organization of the guide, you can decide
whether to read it from beginning to end, or whether you want to read selected portions.
Remember that effective, successful operations require effort in all areas, not just improve-
ments in one area, so that if you decide to read the Supporting chapter first, you should go
back and read the other chapters as well.
Related Topics
The Microsoft Operations Framework provides technical guidance and industry best
practices that encompasses the complete IT Service Management environment, including
capacity management, availability management, configuration management, service
monitoring and control, service level management, and their inter-relationships. For
more information on the Microsoft Operations Framework, go to:
For prescriptive MOF information on capacity management, availability management,
configuration management, service monitoring and control, and service level management,
please review the detailed operations guides that can be found at: