26Receive Heartbeat_1
network input config SNVT_time_sec nciRcvHrtBt_1;
This configuration property defines the maximum elapse time from the last update of the network variables (update of input network variable setting values, poll/Fetch request of output network variables).
When the set time has elapsed from the previous update, the initial values (operation enable) will be set automatically. Update either the input network variables or the output network variables before the set time elapses.
The objective variable is given below.
・nviProOnOff_n(Request Local Prohibit On/Off)
・nviProMode_n(Request Local Prohibit Mode)
・nviProSetP_n(Request Local Prohibit SetPoint)
Poll/Fetch request of output network variable is effect.
By the time it passes setting time, please update an output network variable. The objective variable is given below.
・nvoProOnOff_n(Local Prohibit On/Off state) ・nvoProMode_n(Local Prohibit Mode state) ・nvoProSetP_n(Local Prohibit SetPoint)
Valid Range
The valid range covers from 600.0 to 6540.0 seconds (per 60 seconds).
The setting to 0.0 or 6553.5 seconds results in 1800.0 seconds.
The setting to 0.1 - 599.9 seconds results in 600.0seconds.
The setting to 6540.1 - 6553.4 seconds results in 6540.0 seconds.
Default Value
6553.5 seconds (judged as 1800 seconds)
27Receive Heartbeat_2
network input config SNVT_time_sec nciRcvHrtBt_2;
This configuration property defines the maximum elapse time from the last update of the network variables (update of input network variable setting values, poll/Fetch request of output network variables).
When the set time has elapsed from the previous update, the initial values (operation enable) will be set automatically. Update either the input network variables or the output network variables before the set time elapses.
The objective variable is given below.
・nviThermoOff_n(Request Forced Thermostat OFF)
Poll/Fetch request of output network variable is effect.
By the time it passes setting time, please update an output network variable. The objective variable is given below.
・nvoThermoOff_n(Forced Thermostat OFF state)
Valid Range
The valid range covers from 600.0 to 6540.0 seconds (per 60 seconds).
The setting to 0.0 or 6553.5 seconds results in 1800.0 seconds.
The setting to 0.1 - 599.9 seconds results in 600.0seconds.
The setting to 6540.1 - 6553.4 seconds results in 6540.0 seconds.
Default Value
6553.5 seconds (judged as 1800 seconds)
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