

What to Do If Something Unusual Occurs (GT10)





















Screen is

1) The power voltage may be low.


1) Supply 24V DC 0.3 A.

page 21


2) The contrast is set too low.


2) Bring up the system menu and adjust

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3) The backlight is off due to the [Back-


the contrast.







light Auto–off] setting in the [Setup] of


3) Touching any area of the screen lights

page 81


the GT10 configuration settings in


that area. If a switch part is set on the





touched area, the area will not light





even if touched. To change the setting,





change the content of the backlight





auto–off settings.








The backlight auto–off timer setting is too


Change the backlight auto–off timer set-

page 81

goes off too















Date / time

1) The GT10 internal clock is incorrect.


1) Bring up the system menu and adjust

page 87

display is

2) Clock data is lost when power is off


the clock.






because the secondary battery is not


2) Turn off the power, and after turning on

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set to ON.


the No. 1 operation mode setting



3) The secondary battery is set to ON


switch on the back of the GT10, power




up the unit and adjust the clock.



but due to long periods with the power








off or on (over 10 days), the clock data


3) Turn on the power and set the system

page 128


has been lost.


menu clock data. In cases when pow-



4) The PLC’s internal calendar timer


er is off for approx. 10 days, it takes




around 2 hours for the secondary bat-



used as a reference is incorrect.





tery to fully charge.









4) Adjust by rewriting the value in the





PLC’s internal calendar timer.







Hold PLC

1) Hold PLC Device data is being lost


1) Turn off power, and after turning on the

page 128

Device data

when power is turned off because sec-


No. 1 operation mode setting switch


content isn’t

ondary battery is not set to ON.


on the back of the GT10, re–supply



2) The secondary battery is set to ON,


power to the unit.







but due to long periods of power off or


2) Turn on the power and use the unit. In

page 128


on (over 10 days), the Hold PLC De-


cases when power is off for approx. 10



vice data is being lost.


days, it takes around 2 hours for the





secondary battery to fully charge.







Touch panel

1) The switch part size setting does not


1) When creating screens with GTWIN,


doesn’t work

match the touch panel grid.


match grid settings to touch panel and



2) Valid conditions have been set for the


make them valid, then resize.







switch part, but those conditions have


2) Check that the device status condi-



not been met. (Applies only to custom


tions on the PLC side are valid.












No operating

1) The [Switch Sounds] setting under


1) Change the setting to [Enabled].


sounds are

[Options] in the switch part attributes


2) Change the setting to [Enabled].

page 82

heard when

is set to [Disabled].





the touch

2) The [Touch Sounds] setting under




panel is




[Setup] in the GT10 configuration set-








tings in GTWIN is set to [Disabled].














Bit F of the first word in the basic com-


Set the F bit to OFF on the PLC side.

page 122


munication area bit device is set to ON.


(Do not use the basic communication





area with ladder programs.)








Bits A and B, and Bit D, of the first word


Perform correct bit operations on the

page 122


(backlight color setting) in the basic com-


PLC side. (Do not use the basic commu-


changes /

munication area bit device are set to ON.

nication area with ladder programs.)



Or, Bits C and D (backlight flashing set-





ting) are set to ON.