Chapter 4: CallFinder Software Screens
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CF220 CallFinder User Guide 46
Password Administration Screen
The CallFinder software admits only one user, the administrator. As shipped, the administrator’s
Username (User ID) is “admin” and the administrator’s password is also “admin.” You can use the
Password Administration screen to change the administrative password parameters.
“Password Administration” Screen Field Definitions
Field Name Values Description
Name “Administrator” or
descriptor for party
Identifies party with administrative rights to
configure and control the CallFinder server unit.
This party will generally receive call log reports.
User ID “admin” or user-
specified User-ID
descriptor for
User ID of administrator.
Default = admin
Password alphanumeric;
user-specified PW
has 2 to 40
The alpha-numeric string used to prevent
unauthorized access to the CallFinder software.
Password is case sensitive.
default= “admin”
Confirm Password alphanumeric After the password has been entered in the
preceding field, it must be entered verbatim a
second time here. This second entry prevents
the problem of establishing a non-reproducible
password by inadvertently hitting a wrong key
when establishing the password.
Function update button
Pressing Update saves the password-related
information as part of the CallFinder’s
configuration data.