User's Manual MobileNavigator6
No. | Meaning |
1 | The route is marked in orange. |
2 | A triangle in orange shows your current position on |
| the map. |
3 | One of the following pieces of route information is |
| shown in the information field: |
| Ù Probable arrival time |
| Ù Distance remaining |
| Ù Probable remaining driving time. |
| With the 3 (Route info) key you can toggle between |
| these pieces of information. |
4 | The name of the section of route that you must drive |
| next is shown in the street field. |
5 | The arrow field shows a schematic view of the next |
| crossroads at which you should turn. Underneath it |
| shows the distance to these crossroads. |
| As you approach the crossroads, the distance |
| information changes to a point display: |
The fewer yellow points showing the closer you are to the crossroads.
If you don’t have to turn yet, only one arrow points upwards stating a distance beneath it showing how far you must follow the street.
- 68 - | The map in 903HNavigation mode |