9.Important 4” message will appear.
Read the message and follow the instructions.
*** Important Notice 4
-All PCI and CPU modules should be inserted into the server.
If there are any removed PCI or CPU modules, please insert them at this time and press any key to continue the installation process.
Strike a key when ready . . .
10.“Important 5” message will appear.
Read the message and follow the instructions.
*** Important Notice 5
-No LAN cables should be connected to this server at this time. If any LAN cables are connected to this server, please remove them and press any key to continue the installation process.
Strike a key when ready . . .
11. When the following message appears, read it and press Enter.
This process will delete all files on the system drive and install Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition. Then it will install additional software for your Express5800/ft series server.
Note - This process will reboot the system.
Please leave the CD in the
Note - Boot Monitoring must be disabled before beginning the Windows Server 2003 installation.
(BIOS Setup - Advanced\Monitoring Configuration menu).
Warning - Back up any data on the system drive to be saved before proceeding.
Do you want to continue the installation [Y,N]?
The message below appears and the hard disk is initialized.
While this message is being displayed, the hard disk is being initialized. Please wait.
**User input will be required in approximately 15 minutes… (2 reboots will take place automatically…)
Initializing the disk...
When the hard disk initialization is complete, the NEC Express5800/ft series automatically restarts. After the NEC Express5800/ft series is restarted, the following message appears and starts formatting the hard disk drive.