4-26Windows Setup

35.After restarting, the following screen will appear and the installation will be continued. User intervention is not required. The NEC Express5800/ft series software is installed automatically.

NEC Express5800/ft series clear installation

** Please do not perform any operations. ** ** The system will restart automatically. **

*** Setting [ft series environment (Preparation)] ***

*** Setting [Timeout for non-communication time] ***

*** Installing [IPMI] ***

*** Installing [PROSET II] ***

*** Setting [Stratus Log Folder] ***

*** Copying [ft files] ***

*** Installing [SRA_RDRBOOTCONFIG] ***

*** Installing [mof files] ***

*** Installing [DLL files] ***

*** Installing [mof files] ***

*** Installing [sra files] ***

*** Installing [RDR Setting Tool] ***

*** Installing [NEC ESMPRO Agent] ***

IMPORTANT: Never terminate the above program while it is running. If it is terminated by closing the window, etc., the installation will be stopped. In such case, operations on Windows will be possible, but modules or PCI boards will not be duplicated properly. If this happens, you need to start over the ft series setup.

36.The following screen will appear and installation of NEC ESMPRO Agent will be started.

The NEC ESMPRO Agent install wizard starts up and installation is done automatically. User intervention is not required.