39.After installation of Windows HotFix is complete, installation is continued.
User intervention is not required. When the NEC Express5800/ft series software is installed, the NEC Express5800/ft series will be restarted automatically.
NEC Express5800/ft series clear installation
** Please do not perform any operations. ** ** The system will restart automatically. **
*** Setting [ft series environment (Preparation)] ***
*** Setting [Timeout for
*** Installing [IPMI] ***
*** Installing [PROSET II] ***
*** Setting [Stratus Log Folder] ***
*** Copying [ft files] ***
*** Installing [SRA_RDRBOOTCONFIG] ***
*** Installing [mof files] ***
*** Installing [DLL files] ***
*** Installing [mof files] ***
*** Installing [sra files] ***
*** Installing [RDR Setting Tool] ***
*** Installing [NEC ESMPRO Agent] ***
*** Installing [NEC ExpressCluster SRE] ***
*** Installing [Express Report Service] ***
*** Installing [BMCTOOL] ***
*** Setting [Configuration of ft dump] ***
*** Setting [Hardware Accelerator] ***
*** Installing [Hotfix] ***
*** Setting [NECDUMP] ***
*** Setting [Memory copy (Brown copy)] ***
*** Setting [WindowsOS] ***
*** Setting [Disk] ***
The system will automatically restart in approximately 10 seconds.