AOJUSTMENT | 1. Depnmion Prism Unit |
1)Moving lens chamber G) (,~ and @ inside ), rnake the displacernent within a range of 2 lines in the Kellner eyepiece.
2)If the center displacement cannot be corrected by rnoving charnber G), rnake adjustment of prism § as below:
a)Vertical direction
As shown in Fig. 32, insert pieces of silver foil (0.05rnrn thick) at A and B, to cause the rnovement corresponding to about l O tines.
. G3
Fig. 33
b)Latera! direction
As shown in Fig. 33, insert pieces of silver foi! (O. l mm thick) at C and D, to cause the rnovement corresponding to about 10 lines.
Eyepiece sc:ilc
Fig. 34
3) After adjustment, fasten § with plastic screw and apply No. 2001 and No. 350.