Binocular body (Refer to Fig. 9 and 10) |
| |
| Reassembly procedure is the sarne as for | |
| points. |
1) | Apply black paint to the goast prevention groove and the cemented surface of prisms | @ and |
2)For the attaching positions of @ and @ and righthand prism box @, refer to Fig. 20.
3)For the attaching positions of prism @ and lefthand prism box 52 , refer to Fig. 21.
4)Sticking of righthand sleeve @ of @ is performed as below:
Applying a trifle of No. 2001 all around the upper circumference of @ ,and ínserting it into
@, rotate @ severa! times, and leave it 24 hours (Fig. 28).
Fig. 28
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