

2. Binocular Body



2-3. Viewfield center adjustment

1)Moving the test pia te, bring its center into coincidence with the scale center oi the right side Kellner eyepiece.

2)Move the Kellner eyepiece from the right to the lefteye sleeve, and change the position of s!eeve metal @ (®) to bring the eyepiece scale center into coincidence with the test plate

)f ,1


The displacement should be O.O outside, within 0.2mm inside, and O.lmm verticlaly

on the focal plane of eyepiece.

3)With the max. and min. interpupillary distance, make the displacement within the above specified values. Jumping of the axle at the limits is caused by the slack of metal (requiring the replacement).

4)Apply No. 350 to screw § (@ ), used for attaching eyepiece sleeves @ and @ e@ and @).

2-4. Rotation axle

Set the interpupillary distance to 64mm. Bring the center scale in the Kellner eyepiece into coincidence with that of the test plate, and rotate the tube 180°. At this time, the center displacernent should be within 0.2rnrn (both for the right and left) on the focal plane of eyepiece.


1)Keeping the retaining ring 8) fastened, move the metal containing @) and

@a half of the movement of the

·.·.'.;. :'.'~ ( :- :'

rotating a.xle, as shown in Fig. 27, for




Apply No. 350 to stick mount G),


len.s charnber Q) and retaining ring




Position of moved imagc


aftcr 180° rotation


Bring to



the ccntcr



with Q)



_ . - Move the test platc

to this position.






\eente rcd posa·uon·






Fig. 36

- 45 -

Page 115
Image 115
Nikon 50i and E100 manual Coincidence