| |
REPAIR ANO | 3. 180° Turning of the Tuoo Causas Movement to the lmag11 in the Cantar of Viewtield |
ADJUSTMENT | 4. Not Smooth Operation of lnterµupillary Distanc:a Adjustment |
3. 180ª Tuming of the Tube Causes Movement to the lmage in the Cantar of Viewfield.
Cause, repair and adjustment and procedure are the sarne as mentioned above in 2.
4.Not Smooth Operation of lnterpupillary Distance Adjustment.
Cause: (1) Oil shortage in the central axle.
(2)Breakage, deformation or wear of celluloid washers @ and @ C@ and
and ílat head screw @ C@).
<Repair and Adjustment >
ln the case of (1) ...... Oear off remnant oil, and apply G7920.
1)Disassemble the binocular body, referring to Disassembly (P. 22 and 23 ).
2)Oean cen.tral axle @C@), celluloid washers (@ and @c@and @), wave- fonned base plate e@ e@), and washer@ e@).
3)ApplyG7920to@D,@),c:@.,@and @e@.@.@,@, and @).
4)Perfonn reassembly, referring to Reassembly Procedure.
5)Finally, check for smooth operation of the interpupillary distance adjustment.
ln the case of (2) ...... Replace broken, deformed or worn parts among @,@,e@,
@and @c@ . @ . @ . @and@) .
1)Disassemble the binocular body, referring to Disassembly Procedure (P. 22, 23).
2)Replace broken, deformed or wom parts among @,@,e@ ,@and @
3)Perfonn reassembly, referring to Reassembly Procedure.
4)Finally, check for smooth operation of interpupillary distance adjustment.
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