Checking Your Voicemail
Customizing Your Voicemail Greetings
You can customize the greetings described in Table 9 on page 85.
1Sign in to the voicemail system. (See “Signing In to the DiVitas Server Voicemail System” on page 81.)
2Press 0 to access voicemail options.
3Press one of the following numbers:
●1 – To record your Unavailable greeting
●2 – To record your Busy greeting
●4 – To record your Temporary greeting
4After the tone, speak your new greeting.
5Press #.
6Press 2 to listen to your new greeting.
7Press 1 to save the greeting or press 3 to
8Hang up or select another option. (See Figure 26 on page 84.)
Checking Your Voicemail
Your voicemail is stored in folders. The DiVitas Server voicemail system provides the following folders:
All voicemail messages that you have not listened to are stored in the New folder. After you listen to a voicemail, the message is moved from the New folder to one of the other folders. By default, messages are moved to the Old folder. However, after you listen to a message, the voicemail system allows you to specify the folder in which to save the message. You can save a message into any of the folders.
DiVitas Client User Guide for Nokia E and N Series Phones, v2.7 | 87 |