Section 8, Operating the Heating Module

Compressor, Fuel Pump, Combustion Fan, Igniter (Green)

The compressor, fuel pump, combustion fan, and igniter LED’s (Green) turn ON when the component is ON, and will flash if the component is electrically open or shorted.

Flame Out (Red)

The Flame Out LED (Red) turns ON when a flame fault has been detected.

Voltage Fault (Red)

The voltage fault LED (Red) turns ON when a voltage fault has been detected.

Low Water (Red)

The Low Water LED (red) turns ON when a low coolant level in the Oasis™ Heating Module has been detected.

8.11Functions of the Distribution Module (Optional) Zone Control Panel

The Distribution Module Zone Control Panel, Figure 8-4: Zone Control Panel, contains seven green LED’s for Power, Zone 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Thermostat(s), and Domestic Water.

It also contains nine matched pairings of red/green LED’s for Zone 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Fan(s), Summer Loop, Heat Loop 1, Heat Loop 2, and Engine Pre-heat Pump.


The Oasis™ Heating Module