Unit Configuration
Configuration Option Tables
This section contains a table for each option set that can be found under the Configuration (Confg) branch, in the order in which it appears in the menu.
This chapter includes the following option set tables:
•DSU Configuration Options (Table
•DSU Port Configuration Options (Table
•DBM Configuration Options (Table
•DBM Port Configuration Options (Table
•Diagnostic (DBM) Configuration Options (Table
•Diagnostic (General) Configuration Options (Table
•Backup Configuration Options (Table
Understanding the Tables
Refer to the appropriate tables when configuring the DSU. Each configuration option is segmented into three sections: the option as it appears on the DCP, an explanation of the option, then the values that can be selected or set.
Each table shows each configuration option as it is displayed. As you refer to these tables, be aware of the following:
•The first line shows each configuration option as it appears on the DCP, followed by a colon (: ), then the default setting (the value set at the factory).
•The second line shows all selectable values, which can be viewed on the DCP by scrolling to the left or
right using the or
The first selection is always Next, which allows you to go to the next configuration option in the set.
The last selection is always Prev, which allows you to go back to the previous configuration option.
Possible selections wrap around so you can
immediately press the key to display Prev, saving key presses.
An explanation of the configuration option and its selectable values follow, which includes:
•The full or unabbreviated name of the configuration option, followed by a brief explanation of its purpose or function.
•The selectable values for the configuration option, which are listed with guidelines for when each should be selected.
December 1996 |