1.Apply the Cleanout Cover Plates on the tops of the section joints as shown in Figure 2.11.
3.Tighten the lower nut securely.
4.Press the Cleanout Plate with insulation over the protruding carriage bolts until the insulation lays flush against the cast iron.
5.Apply a flat washer and brass nut to the carriage bolt. Draw the brass nuts down until the insulation presses firmly against the iron.
1.(LC) Remove the Flue Collar and Rear Observation Door Assembly from the LC Rear Flue Box Carton. (LCE)Remove the Top Flue Outlet Plate, the Rear Flue Cover Plate and the Rear Observation Door Assembly from the LCE Top Flue Outlet Carton.
2.(LC) Attach the Flue Collar to the Back Section with 5/16" x
(LCE) Attach the Rear Flue Cover Plate to the Rear Section with 5/16" x
3.(LCE) Apply spray adhesive (supplied in Section Assembly Kits) to the rope groove on the bottom of the Top Flue Outlet Plate. Place the high temperature rope seal in the groove, overlapping at the ends for a good seal.
a)Place the plate over the opening provided by the three top flue intermediate sections at the front of the boiler. NOTE: Top flue outlet plate is marked “FRONT▼” for proper orientation.
b)Secure the plate and compress using the 3/8" tie down assembly, nuts and washers provided. See Figure 2.13.
Figure 2.12: Rear Flue Collar Attachment
Figure 2.11: Install Cleanout Cover Plates
c)Inspect the finished seal, particularly where the plate crosses the section joints.
d)The correct Top Flue Outlet Plate for the LCE boiler is:
4.Attach the Rear Observation Door to the Rear Section with four (4)
Figure 2.13: Top Flue Collar Attachment