Multiple Bays, Single Node
In a single-node system with one CM9700-CC1 (not networked), you can connect multiple CM9770-MXBs using “sideframing” and “downframing” for a maximum capacity of 2,048 camera inputs and 256 monitor outputs.
NOTE: When using CM9760-MDA units, you can increase the monitor output capacity to a maximum of 512. Refer to the Downframing section in the Appendix for more information on using CM9760-MDA units.
•Sideframing—To expand the matrix video inputs beyond 256, you can use multiple bays, with video from the monitor outputs on each bay sideframed (with cable connections) to the bay to which the monitors are connected.
The System 9770 provides the following sideframing options:
•Sideframe Option A (refer to Figure 13):
Sideframe from each bay to the bay to which the monitors are connected—the sideframe cables are connected to the video inputs on the bay with the monitors, starting with slot one, and continuing to the higher slots as necessary. Any camera input slots not used to receive output from sideframed bays can be used for additional camera inputs.
TO CM9700-CC1
Figure 13. Sample System Using Sideframing from Bay to Bay
•Sideframe Option B:
Sideframe from each bay directly to an output bay. This method requires an extra bay, but maintains the total capacity of camera inputs in each of the other bays in the system.
Figure 14, on the next page, illustrates a sample sideframing system with all the sideframe cables connected to an output bay.
Refer to the Installing Additional Matrix Bays—Sideframing and Downframing section in the Appendix for detailed sideframing instructions.