5Press OK to confirm your selection. The guide will disappear and
you can now view the TV show you have selected.
How do I cancel?
Press CLEAR instead of OK . The guide will disappear and you will be
able to view the show you selected before you started the GUIDE
Plus+®system. Tip

Function buttons in the 'LISTINGS' screen

You can use the color buttons on the remote control to select the following:
'FAVORITE' (blue function button):
The highlighted TV show will be stored together with its start time in a list.
'RECORD' (green function button):
The highlighted show will be programmed for recording.

The 'SORT' screen

This menu allows you to access show listings organized by category. This is an easier way of
finding the shows you want to watch.
Make your selection from a major category (Alphabetical, Movies, Sports, Children's, Series, etc.)
and a minor category (Adventure, Comedy, Drama, etc.)
Colors of the categories:
Yellow-Selected show
The sorting service gives you show listings for the next 7 days.
1Press CH- B
2Select the category with D,C.
Confirm with CH- B. Select the minor category with CH- B,
ACH+ ,D,C.
3Confirm with OK .
Use the CH- Band ACH+ buttons to scroll through the

Function buttons in the 'SORT' screen

If you have highlighted a show you can use the colored buttons to perform the following actions:
set to record green function button or
set as favorite blue function button.
The GUIDE Plus+