13User manual
3.7 Changing the IP address of the LAN Do cking Station
You can assign a static IP address to t he LAN Docking Station or h ave the LAN Docking station
use the DHCP service on yo ur network to obtain an IP addre ss automatically.
3.7.1 Assigning an IP address from DHCP
D Note: If you are installing t he LAN Docking Station for t he first time, please follow the
instructions in the In stallation chapter on p age 6.
To have the LAN Docking Station ob tain an IP address automatica lly from the DHCP server on
your network, follow thes e steps:
Make a note of the MAC address of the
LAN Docking Stati on. The MAC address can
be found on the bottom plate o f the LAN
Docking Station.
Configure your DHCP ser ver to assign an IP
address to the LAN Dock ing Station based
on the MAC address of the LAN D ocking
Station. Refer to the docu mentation of your
DHCP server for more info rmation.
Open the LAN Docki ng Station
configuration inter face by entering its IP
address in your Web browser or using th e
LAN Docking Stat ion Administration Tool.
AUTOMATICALLY (DHCP) check box on the IP S ettings panel.
Click the SUBMIT bu tton at the bottom of the IP set tings panel in order to save your
changes. The LAN Doc king Station will obtain an I P address from the DHCP serve r
immediately and every t ime it is powered on.
D Note: The IP address of the L AN Docking Station is updat ed immediately, so its
configuration inter face will no longer be accessible f rom the old IP address.