28 User manual
Error logs
How to enable error logging o n the LAN Docking Station
When access to the LAN Do cking Station is possible us ing the configuration inter face, type
http://ip.addr.of.dock/we b/log.txt in the address fie ld of the Web browser to open an error text
logging file.
When access to the LAN Do cking Station is not possible t hrough the web browser:
Go to the LAN Docking S tation and make sure it is powered.
Disconnect the LAN c able connected to the LAN Do cking Station.
Dock a Digital Pocket Memo i nto the LAN Docking Statio n.
To copy the error log.txt file to the memory card press the MENU button and the LEFT SMART
BUTTON (left hand side below the LC-Display) on the Digital Pocket Memo simulataneously.
Connect the Digital Pocke t Memo to a PC using a USB cable an d view the log.txt file available
in the root directory of t he memory card.
Error log ‚Can not downloa d from server – wrong filename or a ccess denied‘
The error indicates that t he download of an upgrade file from th e FTP server failed.
Administration Tool
A LAN Docking Station doe s not show up in the Administrat ion tool overview list
The reason is most likely tha t the LAN Docking Station w as unable to connect to the FT P server.
Check the following:
Verify if the LAN Dock ing Station is connected to the m ain power supply.
Verify if the LAN Dock ing Station is connected to the ne twork.
Is the IP address of the L AN Docking Station configure d properly?
Are the FTP settings of t he LAN Docking Station the s ame as those in the Administrat ion tool?
Disclaimer and Noti ces
Philips performs ex tensive testing with the most p opular configurations. Howeve r, since PC add-
ons and device drivers are upd ated continually, conflict-fre e operation cannot be guar anteed.
The CE mark confirms that t he device corresponds to the relev ant guidelines of the
European Union.
The cardboard used for pac kaging can be recycled. This el ectronic device contains
recyclable material .