21User manual
Double-clickin g on a LAN Docking Station in t he list opens its configurati on interface in the
system’s default browser.
A LAN Docking Stati on is regarded on line if both the conn ection to the device was esta blished
and its configuration d ata could be retrieved successfull y. The on line status is represented by a
green or a red dot in the ONLI NE STATUS column.
Every LAN Docking S tation will display the followin g information:
Its MAC address
Its IP address
The date and time when it wa s last used (or when a Digital Pocket Me mo was last connected).
Additionally, the following se ttings are displayed for all onlin e LAN Docking Stations:
The firmware version of the L AN Docking Station
The MAC address of the LAN Doc king Station
A flag that indicates whe ther the LAN Docking Sta tion is configured via a DHCP ser ver
The IP address setting s of the LAN Docking Station , including the IP address, th e subnet mask,
the gateway address, and any Do main Name Server address es
A flag indicates if the LAN Docking Station connects to an FTP or an SFTP server for file upload
The FTP/SFTP serve r settings of the LAN Dock ing Station, including the ho stname and port of
the server, as well as the usern ame, password and path on the ser ver
A flag that indicates whe ther the file upload settings o f the LAN Docking Station a re taken
from the Digital Pocket Mem o or from the LAN Docking Stat ion itself
A flag indicates if all files (or on ly EOL dictation files) will be upload ed to the FTP/SFTP. For this
setting to take eect , the LAN Docking Statio n must be in charge of the file upload se ttings!
A flag that indicates whe ther the dictation files will b e deleted from the Digital Pocket me mo
after they are uploaded t o the FTP/SFTP server by the L AN Docking Station. For t his setting
to take eect, the L AN Docking Station must be in c harge of the file upload setting s!
Any commentary dat a, including an oce name or de scription and a general comme nt
The administration pa ssword of the LAN Docking St ation
The date and time when the L AN Docking Station was la st used (a Digital Pocket Memo was
last connected)
D Note: Only online LAN Do cking stations can be admini stered from the Administrati on Tool.
C Important: You should use the R ELOAD button (below the file men u of the Application
tool) often to refresh th e status of the LAN Docking S tations in your network.