20 User manual
If the directory is not ma pped to a shared network folder:
Check the FTP SERVER radi o button.
Enter the IP address or doma in name of the FTP server in the SE RVER field.
Enter the FTP port number i n the PORT field. Unless your FTP se rver is configured to use a
nonstandard port nu mber, this should be 21.
Enter the user name and the pass word of the account needed to log on to the F TP server into
the USERNAME and PAS SWORD fields.
Click the OK button at the b ottom of the configuration di alog.
D Note: You will not be able to administer a ny LAN Docking Stations un til you provide valid
connection data to the F TP server and a valid administ ration password.
C Important: Remem ber that you can only administer L AN Docking Stations sha ring the same
FTP settings and admin istration password at a time!
4.5 Overview of the LAN Docking Statio ns
Upon start-up, t he Administration Tool automaticall y retrieves configuration dat a from any LAN
Docking Station, th at placed an identification file w ithin the shared upload direct ory on the FTP
server, and displays the data re cord in the application’s main pane.