15User manual
D Note: The IP address of the L AN Docking Station is updat ed immediately, so its
configuration inter face will no longer be accessible f rom the old IP address.
C Important: When a ssigning a static IP address to t he LAN Docking Station , make sure that
the address you assign is avail able on your network. If the I P address is already in use on your
network, the configu ration interface of the L AN Docking Station will not be ac cessible. You
can resolve this situation by f reeing up the IP address on the net work and powering the LAN
Docking Station o the n back on, or by resetting the L AN Docking Station to facto ry default
settings. See Reset ting to factory defaults on p age 17 for more information.
3.8 Changing the LAN Docking Station a dministrator password
To access the configuration inter face of the LAN Docking St ation, you must enter a passwo rd.
The factory defaul t password is ‚administrato r‘. The administration password pro tects the
settings of the LAN D ocking Station against un authorized access. It is highly r ecommended that
you change the default pas sword when you first log on to the config uration interface.
Type the new password into the
password settings pan el.
Confirm the password by ty ping it again into
Press the SUBMIT bu tton at the bottom of
the password settings p anel.
D Note: If the password and the c onfirmation do not match, you wi ll get an error pop-up
message after press ing the SUBMIT button . If this happens, star t over from step 1.
C Important: When yo u access the configuration inte rface of the LAN Docking S tation,
your password is sent over the ne twork in clear text format . Do not use your domain
administrator pass word or any existing network pass word for the LAN Docking Stat ion.
E Tip: If you have several LAN Doc king Stations in your network , it is advisable to use the
same administrator pa ssword for each. This makes it ea sier to access them from the LA N
Docking Station Admin istration Tool (see page 18).