MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide
The new Entry Queue is added to the Meeting Rooms, Entry Queues &
SIP Factories list.
Setting an Entry Queue as Default
A default Entry Queue can be defined for the MCU, regardless of the dialed IP card. The new default Entry Queue can be either a video Entry Queue or an Audio Only Entry Queue. Participants are automatically routed to the default Entry Queue when dialing one of the following strings:
•Network Service Prefix##Numeric ID when the numeric ID is incorrect
•Network Service Prefix##Numeric ID##Password when the numeric ID is incorrect
•Network Service Prefix only
•IP address of IP card##Numeric ID when the numeric ID is incorrect
•IP address of IP card##Numeric ID##Password when the numeric ID is incorrect
•IP address of the IP card only
To set an Entry Queue as default:
•In the Meeting Rooms and Entry Queues list,
The default Entry Queue is identified by a bold name.