S erial Adapter Main Menu
Display P arameter Values
Radio Parameters
Netw ork Parameters
S erial P arameters
Baud Rate
#Stop Bits (current)
E cho Mode
Generate X ON/X OFF
Recognize DT R
Baud Rate (configured)
#Stop Bits (configured)
Max. Line Length
Recognize XON/OFF
Recognize RT S
P arity (current)
#Data B its (current)
Input T imeout (ms)
Generate CT S
P arity
#Data Bits (configured)
Line Delimiters
Generate DSR
Advanced Configuration Parameters
Accept Packets From
Notify Remote Nodes of
Use T CP Connection
Close Signal
Reset Parameters to Factory Defaults
Radio Configuration Menu
Netw ork C onfiguration Menu
Serial Configuration Menu
Advanced Configuration Menu
View Statistics
Dow nload New Softw are Version
Reset the Serial Adapter
Exit to Operating Mode
P acket T ypes Accepted
Lost Communication
T ech S upport Access
E nabled
E scape Character
Operating Mode
E scape Delay (.1 sec)
B reak Duration x (50 ms)