C. Menu Structure
| Se rial Adapter M ain M enu |
| ||
| |||
| |
| Display Param e te r V alues |
| ||
| ||||||
| ||
| Radio Param eters |
| |||
| |||||
| |
| D o m ain |
| C han nel |
| S ub chan nel |
| |||||
| ||||||||||
| |
| |||
| M a ster Nam e |
| Repe ating E nable d |
| M AC Optim ize |
| |||||
| ||||||||||
| |
| ||
| Roam ing Config. |
| Roam ing E na ble d |
| ||||
| ||||||||
| |
| ||||
| Netw ork Param eters |
| |||
| |||||
| |||
| S end M ode |
| Destination Address |
| IP Addre ss (current) |
| |||||
| |||||||||
| |||
| ||||
| S ubnet M ask |
| Local Port # |
| Rem ote Port # |
| |||||
| |||||||||
| |
| |
| G atew a y IP Addre ss (configured) |
| |||
| ||||
Maste r/S tatio n
Inactivity T im e out (sec .)
IP Address (configured)
Gatew ayr IP Address (current)
Reset Param eters to Factory Defaults
Radio Configuration M e nu
Netw ork Configuration M enu
S erial Configuration M e nu
Advanced Configuration M enu
V iew Statistics
Dow nload New S oftw are Version
Reset the Serial Ada pter
E xit to Opera ting M ode
S erial Param eters
Advanced Configuration Param e ters
Dotted Line - Visible when configured as a Master Dashed Line - Visible when configured as a Station