Call up Configuration Menu
Purpose: To invoke the Serial Adapter configuration menu from packetized mode.
Response Expected from Serial Adapter: None
BYTE | command (ASCII ‘M’, 4DH) |
Override RangeLAN2 Parameters
Purpose: To allow a Serial Adapter application to set the Domain, Security ID, and MASTER/STATION status. The new values will not be written to EEPROM, and therefore will go away when the Serial Adapter is powered off. The Serial Adapter must be re- initialized for the changes to take effect.
Response Expected from Serial Adapter: “RangeLAN2 Param- eter Confirmation”
BYTE | command (ASCII ‘O’, 4FH) |
BYTE | seqno |
BYTE | Function number: |
| 1= Set Domain |
| 2= Set Security ID |
BYTE | data (functions 1 and 3 only) |
| Function 1: Domain number |
| Function 3: 0= MASTER, |
| 1= STATION |
20 BYTES | data (Function 2 only) |
| Security ID string. If the string is less |
| than 20 bytes, pad with NULL charac- |
| ters. |