In order to establish communications, all Stations and the Master must be configured with the same Domain number. Radios on different Domains cannot communicate with each other. The Domain is a software filter which does not affect the actual radio frequency or the frequency hopping sequence.
You typically want to set each Serial Adapter in a given network to the same Domain. However, if you have two sets of Serial Adapters in two distinct pairs which you do not want to commu- nicate with one another, you should set each pair to a different Domain to avoid confusion.
The Domain is a number between 0 and 15. Choose “U” for Use Switch in order to use the number specified by the Domain Switch. The default setting is the Domain Switch value, which is
Note that while the Domain Switch allows the user to set the Serial Adapter to operate on any Domain value between 0 and 8, the software configuration menu allows the user to set the Domain to a value between 0 and 15. Also, if you choose to override the Domain Switch, the Pairing Domain feature, de- scribed in Chapter 5, will not be operational.
While you may set the Domain number to 9 in the configuration menu, choosing Domain 9 on the external rotary switch will cause the Serial Adapter to enter the configuration menu at the default parameters of 9600 bps and 8N1.
If the Serial Adapter is reset at any time while the external rotary Domain Switch is set to 9, it will imme- diately enter the configuration menu and will not be ready for operation.