Problem/Symptom Question | Possible Solution/Answer | Chapter in User's |
| Guide |
I can't bring up the | 1. Verify that your terminal settings | 5, 6, 7 |
Configuration Menu. | match those set on the Serial |
| Adapter. |
| 2. Ensure that you are using a RS- |
| 232 cable to connect the Serial |
| Adapter that conforms to the Serial |
| Adapter Pin Specification as shown |
| in Chapter 5. |
| 3. Be sure to only type only three |
| "$" symbols in rapid succession. |
| Typing two or four characters will not |
| bring up the menu. |
| 4. Changing the Domain Switch to 9 |
| will bring up the configuration menu |
| at 9600 bps 8N1. |
The throughput seems slow. | To achieve maximum throughput, | 13 |
| verify your antennas are |
| not behind metal, and there are not |
| too many obstacles. |
Why are there 16 Domain | The rotary switches are designed to | 5, 7 |
choices in the configuration | allow users to configure the Serial |
menu but only 10 on the | Adapters without running the |
Domain rotary switch? | configuration software. Domains |
| on the dial correspond to Domains 0- |
| 8 in the software configuration menu. |
| If your wireless environment requires |
| more than 9 Domains, you should |
| use the software configuration tool to |
| set a unit to Domains |
| use Domain 9 on the Domain Switch |
| in normal operation because it will |
| bring up the software configuration |
| menu. |
Why do all of the characters | You may have set one or more | 9 |
appear twice on my | Serial Adapters to Simple or Terminal |
computer screen? | Echo Mode. Check your units to |
| ensure that Echo Mode is set to |
| None. |