B – Command Line Interface Set Config Command
Initiates an editing session in which to change switch configuration settings. The system displays each parameter one line at a time and prompts you for a value. For each parameter, enter a new value or press the Enter key to accept the current value shown in brackets.
Table B-8. Set Config Switch Parameters
Parameter | Description |
AdminState | Switch administrative state: online, offline, or |
| diagnostics |
BroadcastEnabled | Enables (True) or disables (False) forwarding of |
| broadcast frames. |
InbandEnabled | Enables (True) or disables (False) the ability to |
| manage the switch over an ISL. |
DefaultDomainID | Default domain ID setting |
DomainIDLock | Prevents (True) or allows (False) dynamic |
| reassignment of the domain ID. |
SymbolicName | Descriptive name |
R_T_TOV | Receiver Transmitter Timeout Value. Specifies the |
| number of milliseconds a port is to wait to receive a |
| response from another port. The default is 100. |
R_A_TOV | Resource Allocation Timeout Value. The number of |
| milliseconds the switch waits to allow two ports to |
| allocate enough resources to establish a link. The |
| default is 10000. |
E_D_TOV | Error Detect Timeout Value. The number of |
| milliseconds a port is to wait for errors to clear. The |
| default is 2000. |
FS_TOV | Fabric Stability Timeout Value. The default is 5000 |
| msec. |
DS_TOV | Distributed Services Timeout Value (Management |
| Server, Name Server). The default is 5000 msec. |
PrincipalPriority | The priority used in the |
| selection algorithm. 1 is high, 255 is low. |
ConfigDescription | The name for the configuration. The default is |
| undefined. |