4 – Installation Installing a Switch
For Linux:
a.Set up minicom to use the serial port. Create or modify the /etc/minirc.dfl file with the following content:
pr portdev/ttyS0 pu minit
pu mreset pu mhangup
b.Verify that all users have permission to run minicom. Review the /etc/minicom/users file and confirm that the line "ALL" exists or that there are specific user entries.
c.Enter the following command at the Linux prompt:
For Solaris:
a.Set up Solaris to use the serial port. Modify the /etc/remote file to include the following lines:
sanbox2:\ :dv=/dev/term/a:br#9600:el=C^S^Q^U^D:ie%$:oe=^D:
b.Enter the following command at the Solaris prompt:
#tip sanbox2
3.Log in to the switch. The default account name and password are (admin, password).
SANbox2 Login: admin
Password: ********
Install SANbox Manager
You can install SANbox Manager on the Windows, Linux, and Solaris platforms. Your switch was shipped with either a SANsurfer® Management Suite Disk or a SANbox2 Installation Disk. Refer to the following installation instructions that correspond to your situation:
SANsurfer Management Suite Disk - Windows Installation
SANsurfer Management Suite Disk - Linux Installation
SANsurfer Management Suite Disk - Solaris Installation
SANbox2 Installation Disk - Windows Installation
SANbox2 Installation Disk - Linux Installation
SANbox2 Installation Disk - Solaris Installation