Several sources of help and information are available, depending on the type of help
you need.


Your local vendor (the one from whom you bought the printer) may be best equipped
to help you. Your vendor has specially trained service technicians available to answer
questions, and the equipment to analyze your printer problems.


Often, “printing” problems have more to do with the application being used than with
the printer. In this case, the application manufacturer is the best source of help.



You can view the QMS home page at http://www.qms.com. The QMS server provides
access to technical reports, new product announcements, a trade show schedule, and
other general information about QMS. The QMS ftp resource is ftp.qms.com.


The QMS Answer Base is a free interactive online technical support system for the
2 DeskLaser. It answers common questions and provides diagnostic
advice. To access the Answer Base, go to http://www.qms.com, select Support, and
then select Answer Base.
The Answer Base helps you locate the information you need by asking you questions.
In fact, it can provide results even when you don’t quite know what to ask for or how to
find it. Use the Answer Base before contacting technical support—you will likely find
the answer to your question. However, if the answer is not available, you will be pro-
vided with specific QMS contact information to help solve your problem.


You can access current FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about your print system
at http://www.qms.com/support/support_set.htm.