Others Problems
Symptom | Cause and Solution |
¥ There was an error writing to | ¥ While an application use LPT1 or SmarThru Fax |
LPT1: for the printer: The | Port, the other application canÕt use them |
parameter is incorrect. | concurrently. |
¥ COM port initialization failed. | So if ÒAutomatically answer for incoming calls |
Check COM port parameters in | after (rings):Ó option is checked of Fax Gate |
Modem properties dialog | Properties, |
¥ Modem initialization failed. | You canÕt scan images or print documents. |
Switch on the modem and | If you want to scan or print, uncheck the option |
check cable connection. | and restart SmarThru. |
¥ Device canÕt be set to the H/W | If ÒAutomatically answer for incoming calls |
mode you want. | after(rings):Ó option is not checked, one of printing, |
¥ Port is disabled. Check if the | scanning, faxing may be already processing and |
port is properly connected, or | another job try to process. |
power is on then restart your | Then cancel one of them, redo canceled job after |
computer | another job is finished. |
¥ TWAIN error occurred | ¥ The MFP does not allow dual job, so printing, |
¥ [Critical]: TWAIN is not | scanning faxing canÕt process concurrently. |
available. | Cancel and redo later job after the MFP finishes |
¥ There were critical errors. | current processing. |
Program will not continue. |
Troubleshooting 4.5