3-2. Printing on label paper
ÀOpen device
100 OPEN “COM 1: N81NN” AS #l
ÁInitialize the printer mechanism.
110 PRINT #1, CHR$(29); “<“;
ÂSend print mode
120 PRINT #l, “ABCDEF”; CHR$( 10);
ÃPosition label to start printing
130 PRINT#l, CHR$(12);
130 positions the next label printing. To position label to start printing, send a FF code or GS <.
ÄPrint serial number counter
140 PRINT #l, CHR$(29); “CO”; CHR$(3); CHR$(0);
150 PRINT #l, CHR$(29); “Cl “; CHR$( 1); CHR$(0); CHR$( 10); CHR$(0); CHR$(1); CHR$(1);
160 PRINT #l, CHR$(29); “C2”; CHR$( 1); CHR$(0); 170 FOR I = 1 TO 10
180 PRINT #l, CHR$(29); “c”;
190 PRINT #l, CHR$( 12);
200 NEXT I
In lines 140 to 160, it selects the print mode for the serial number counter. 140 selects print format for the serial number counter. CHR$(3) (value of m) indicates the number of digits to be printed. CHR$(0) (value of n) specifies the printing position within the entire range of printed digits. In case n = 0, it prints with right adjusted.
150 selects counter operation range for the serial number counter. In this case, it counts up from 1 to 10 by 1.
160 sets the initial value of the counter. It indicates 1.
In line 170 to 190, it executes the serial number counting and to position label to start printing.
Always send a FF code after print data.