ÅPrint and eject label

210 PRINT #l, “ABCDEF”; CHR$( 10);

220 PRINT #l, CHR$(29); CHR$( 12);

210 prints data, then 220 ejects label. After ejection, an ERROR LED is lit and waits until the paper feed switch is pressed. When the paper feed switch is pressed after ejecting label, paper feeding is performed to set the next label at the starting position for printing.

ÆClose RS-232C

230 CLOSE #l

RS-232C must be closed using this command.

nSample Program onto thermal label paper

100 OPEN “COMl: N81NN” AS #l

110 PRINT #l, CHR$(29); "<”;

120 PRINT #l, “ABCDEF”; CHR$( 10);

130 PRINT #l, CHR§( 12);

140 PRINT #l, CHR$(29); “CO”; CHR$(3); CHR$(0);

150 PRINT #l, CHR$(29); “C1“; CHR$( 1); CHR$(0); CHR$( 10); CHR$(0); CHR$( 1); CHR$(1);

160 PRINT #l, CHR$(29); “C2”; CHR$( 1); CHR$(0); 170 FOR I = 1 TO 10

180 PRINT #1, CHR$(29); ”c”;

190 PRINT #l, CHR$(12);

200 NEXT I

210 PRINT #l, “ABCDEF”; CHR$( 10);

220 PRINT #l, CHR$(29); CHR$(12);

230 CLOSE #1


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Image 66
Seiko Group TM-L60 manual Sample Program onto thermal label paper