Appendix B: Control panel protocol
Appendix B: Control panel protocol
The SDC 8200 conference and interpretation system supports a control panel. The central unit sends a control command to the connected control panel:
ywhen a delegate or chairman unit is activated,
ywhen a delegate or chairman unit is deactivated,
ywhen a microphone goes into request mode,
ywhen all active microphones are deactived simultaneously (priority function).
The control panel sends a control command to the central unit:
ywhen a delegate or chairman unit is to be activated,
ywhen a delegate or chairman unit is to be deactivated,
ywhen the control panel is to be reset (Reset).
The control panel must be connected to the central unit’s COM 2 interface (RS 232 connection). The settings for the communications port for the control panel are:
Bits per second: 19,200
Data bits: | 8 |
Parity: None
Stop bits: | 1 |
Flow control: None
All commands sent by the central unit start with a “%” sign. The last char- acter is a character which states the end of the transmission. Just before the
STX “%” | data | CRC | ETX |
Start of Transmis- | Data of the com- | 16 bit sum of the | End of Transmis- |
sion Character | mand | ASCII characters | sion Character |
(0x25 = “%”) |
| between STX and | (0x0D) |
| CRC |
The CRC checksum is in uppercase hexadecimal form while all other num- bers are in decimal form.