Configuring the SDC 8200 system
Select Booth
Booth = 01
Save Config.
as Config 1
Press ENTER to Save
Modifying the currently active interpreter configuration
You can modify the following features of the currently active interpreter configuration:
ythe main target language
ythe second target language
To modify the currently active interpreter configuration:
1.From the central unit’s operating menu, choose “Conference”, “Configuration” and ”Current” one after the other.
The “Select Booth” menu appears.
2.(Carry out this step once for each booth.) Choose the booth number and modify:
–the main target language as described under “Configuring the main target language
–if necessary – the second target language as described under “Con- figuring the second target language
–if necessary – the
3.After you have configured the last booth, press the EXIT key repeatedly until the “Save Config.” menu appears.
4.Choose “as Config 1” or “as Config 2” and press the ENTER key. The modified interpreter conifguration is saved and becomes effective immediately.
If you exit the “Save Config.” menu by pressing the EXIT key, the interpreter configuration will not be saved! The existing interpreter configuration remains unchanged!
Loading a previously saved interpreter configuration
To load a previously saved interpreter configuration:
From the central unit’s operating menu, choose “Conference”, “Configuration” and ”Load” one after the other.
The “Load” menu appears.
Choose “Configuration 1” or “Configuration 2” and press the
ENTER key.
The interpreter configuration is loaded. Since the options and the ini- tialization of the interpreter consoles on the central unit have already been saved in this interpreter configuration, your interpretation sys- tem is immediately operational. It is therefore not necessary to initial- ize the interpreter consoles again.
If – after having loaded an interpreter configuration – you have to rein- itialize the interpreter consoles, for example because you had to remove or add consoles, it is vital to reset the interpretation system!