The components of the SDC 8200 system in detail
The components of the SDC 8200 system in detail
The components described on the following pages are available for the SDC 8200 conference and interpretation system. The components you require depend on the desired size and use of the SDC 8200 system.
Your conference and interpretation system can comprise the following consoles:
ytwo types of conferences consoles
–the delegate units for the conference participants
–the chairman unit for the chairman
ythe interpreter consoles
In addition, your conference and interpretation system must comprise:
yat least one central unit
Optionally, you can connect the following components:
yan analog output unit
ya control panel
ya special “ambient sound” conference console
The consoles
Six conference console versions with varying levels of functions as well as an interpreter console are available.
All consoles feature:
ya microphone key for activating the microphone
ya microphone – if the microphone is active, the red signal light ring and the “Microphone active” LED light up permanently
ya headphone connection with headphone volume control
yvoting keys with LEDs (either 3 or 5 voting keys, depending on the con- sole version)
The chairman units (SDC 8200 C, SDC 8200 CC and SDC 8200 CV) addition- ally feature:
ya priority key for turning off all active delegate units
ya NEXT key for assigning the “speaking right” to the next participant who has made a request to speak (SDC 8200 C and SDC 8200 CC only).
Conference consoles with channel selection keys (SDC 8200 DC, SDC 8200 CC,
SDC 8200 DV and SDC 8200 CV) feature:
ya ” and “
”) for select- ing the interpretation channel.
The selected interpretation channel is output via connected headphones.