Using Other Functions/Services
Step by Step |
Save? | : Confirm. |
or If you make a mistake:
>Previous?: Select and confirm. This deletes all entered digits.
Deleting and checking a saved appointment:
Program/Service | Press the key. The LED lights up. |
>#46=Timed reminder off? : Confirm.
| or |
| rhj Enter the code. | |
| : Confirm. |
| Delete? |
| |
> |
| or |
| : Select and confirm. | |
Exit? |
Using Timed Reminders
Precondition: You must have saved a timed reminder
Æpage 75. The current time is the time stored.
Reminder? |
| The telephone rings. The timed reminder appears on | |
| the screen. |
| Press the key. |
| Speaker |
| |
| or | |
| nt Lift the handset and replace it again. |