Q | Flow rate, usually volumetric. |
Rangeability | Highest measurable flow rate divided by the lowest |
| measurable flow rate. |
Reynolds Number | A dimensionless number equal to the density of a fluid |
or Re | times the velocity of the fluid times the diameter of the |
| fluid channel, divided by the fluid viscosity (i.e., Re = |
| ρVD/∝). The Reynolds number is an important number |
| for vortex flow meters because it is used to determine |
| the minimum measurable flow rate. It is the ratio of the |
| inertial forces to the viscous forces in a flowing fluid. |
RTD | Resistance temperature detector, a sensor whose |
| resistance increases as the temperature rises. |
scfm | Standard cubic feet per minute (flow rate converted |
| to standard conditions, usually 14.7 psia and 20°C). |
Shedder Bar | A |
| create vortices. Also called a Bluff Body. |
Strouhal Number | A dimensionless number equal to the frequency |
or St | of vortices created by a bluff body times the width of |
| the bluff body divided by the velocity of the flowing |
| fluid (i.e., St = fd/V). This is an important number for |
| vortex flow meters because it relates the vortex fre- |
| quency to the fluid velocity. |
Totalizer | An electronic counter which records the total accu- |
| mulated flow over a certain range of time. |
Traverse | The act of moving a measuring point across the |
| width of a flow channel. |
Uncertainty | The closeness of agreement between the result of a |
| measurement and the true value of the measurement. |
V | Velocity or voltage. |
VAC | Volts, alternating current. |
VDC | Volts, direct current. |
VORTEX | An eddy of fluid. |